Speed Up Your Browsing Experience With These Best Free DNS Services

Shehar Yar Khan
3 min readJun 30, 2018

Your default DNS settings don’t just expose you to security threats, but also slow you down! Here’s how to change DNS settings on your windows device!

Source: Internet Security Padlock for VPN & Online Privacy by Mike Mackenzie ( https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikemacmarketing/35366000233 )

DNS (or Domain Name System) does the job of translating the easy-to-remember URLs, e.g. Google.com to its IP address, which is easy-to-work-with for the browsers and computers. The quicker this translation takes place, the faster your computer will be able to access your favorite websites.

Even though, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is the one responsible of assigning DNS servers for your device; but DO YOU KNOW that these default settings might not be the best choice.

Most of the time, these settings slow you down and reveal a lot about your browsing experience, not just to your ISP, but also to hackers. Therefore, switching to a free DNS server can lead to more responsive and secure browsing, and reduced chances of getting into technical issues. And to help you out, we have listed some of the best services.

NOTE: You might see some strange looking numbers below. Don’t worry if you don’t know what they are and how to use them. Just visit this link and follow the procedure. Just be sure that you use the numbers corresponding to the servers of your choice.

1. CloudFlare (

According to DNSPerf report, the CloudFlare offers the fastest public DNS servers than the rest. Moreover, you won’t find a product that provides as awesome performance than this one. As far as the user’s privacy is concerned, CloudFlare promises that it will never store your IP address or use your browsing history to show ads.

However, there’s no anti-phishing mechanism, no content filtering, no ad-blocking, and no way to control or monitor what you can access.

Primary DNS Servers:

Secondary DNS Servers:

2. OpenDNS

OpenDNS, one of the biggest names in free public DNS services, provides a wide variety of benefits such as: high speed, phishing sites (websites made for the sole purpose of hacking the users) blocked by default, 100% uptime, Optional Web Filtering for Parental Control, and many others.

Primary DNS servers:

Secondary DNS servers:

3. Google Public DNS

Just like every other thing on the internet, Google has its impact on DNS, too. The free Public DNS provided by Google are extremely effective replacement for the default settings provided by your ISP.

Along with tightened security features and commendable transparency, it provides many powerful features for experienced users. But it keeps the logs of IP address information of the devices for about 48 hours at maximum for diagnostic and troubleshooting. After that any personal information is deleted and just the city level details are kept.

Primary DNS servers:

Secondary DNS servers:

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